Aerobic exercise vs. strength training for women: which is better?

A pair of green sneakers placed on a yoga floor mat positioned between two small dumbells

I’ve been teaching university courses on exercise for more than a decade, and one question my undergrad and graduate students inevitably ask is, “Which is better – cardio or resistance training?” Lately I’m hearing this question a lot from my female followers on social media, often with follow-ups around cycle syncing and optimizing fitness during the peri- and postmenopausal life stages. 

When I was growing up, all the magazines at the grocery checkout said that cardio was best, but now the media is touting the benefits of resistance training versus aerobic exercise. At least in the headlines, it feels like there’s been a switch to prioritize weights over running. While it’s probably obvious that both offer unique advantages, the question persists: is one superior for a longer, healthier life?                           

First things first: pick exercise that you enjoy and stick to it.

The most important thing to remember when choosing an exercise regimen is not aerobic vs. resistance training. The most critical part to training, and thus longevity, is to first choose a physical activity that you enjoy (or maybe even LOVE) and that you will continue to do regularly.

If you embark on a protocol that you hate, or one that makes you feel uncomfortable or overly stressed because you feel obligated to do it, it won’t last. On the other hand, if you start with something you enjoy, and something that gets you excited to train, you’re already doing it right. From there, you can start to experiment with new modalities because your body and mind will be in sync. Remember, if you’re in it for longevity, you’ve gotta play the long game

Let’s break down how aerobic and resistance training affect your body physiologically.

Aerobic exercise, (i.e. “cardio” like running, swimming, cycling, rowing, etc.) is characterized by sustained, rhythmic movements that elevate heart rate and oxygen consumption, and is most known for its cardiovascular benefits Through consistent aerobic training, the heart becomes more efficient at pumping blood, leading to enhanced cardiac output and stroke volume [1]. This increased efficiency lowers resting heart rate and blood pressure, improving the cardiovascular system and all the veins and arteries that go with it [2].

Moreover, aerobic exercise triggers physiological adaptations within skeletal muscle. With regular endurance training, muscle fibers undergo mitochondrial biogenesis, resulting in a greater capacity for aerobic energy production [3]. Concurrently, improvements in capillary density enhance oxygen delivery to muscles, delaying the onset of fatigue during prolonged exercise [4]. Over time, these adaptations affect your VO2max (also a really hot longevity topic right now). 

VO2max, or maximal oxygen consumption, represents the peak of your aerobic fitness, or your body's capacity to utilize oxygen during exercise. VO2max serves as a potent predictor of cardiovascular health, reflecting the efficiency of the heart and lungs in delivering oxygen to working muscles [5]. Defined as the maximum rate of oxygen consumption per unit of body weight, VO2max represents the interplay between respiratory, cardiovascular, and muscular systems [6]. Through targeted exercise aerobic interventions (and maybe even some types of resistance based training [7]), individuals can improve their VO2max, thereby enhancing their endurance capacity and bolstering their resilience against age-related declines in physiological function. (I posted about VO2max on instagram.)

The preservation of VO2max becomes essential to safeguarding overall health and wellbeing. A high VO2max is associated with myriad health outcomes, spanning cardiovascular resilience, skeletal muscle integrity, hormonal support, and cognition [8]. A higher VO2max value correlates with a reduced risk of ALL cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction and stroke, underscoring the cardioprotective benefits conferred by aerobic fitness [9].  Individuals with elevated VO2max exhibit enhanced skeletal muscle health, characterized by greater mitochondrial density and oxidative capacity, helpful for resistance against sarcopenia and frailty in later years [10]. Hormonally, VO2max exerts a modulatory influence on endocrine function, promoting the secretion of growth factors and myokines that orchestrate tissue repair and metabolic regulation [11]. Moreover, emerging evidence suggests a symbiotic relationship between VO2max and cognitive function, with higher aerobic fitness levels correlating with preserved cognitive faculties and a reduced risk of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia [12]. 

What about resistance training?

By contrast, resistance training focuses on challenging the muscular system through the use of external weights or resistance bands, often at high loads (lots of weight) or high volume (lots of reps). As people engage in resistance exercises, they stimulate muscles via neuronal and growth pathways, promoting the development of muscle fibers and innervation [13]. Because muscle is the major sink for sugar and fat in our system, this increase in skeletal muscle mass contributes to overall metabolic health even when you’re not exercising [14], which may be one of the key predictors of healthy aging.

Furthermore, resistance training augments musculoskeletal strength and bone density, crucial factors in mitigating the risk of osteoporosis and age-related fractures [15]. By subjecting bones to mechanical stress, resistance exercises stimulate osteoblast activity, leading to the deposition of mineralized bone tissue [16]. This protective effect becomes increasingly pertinent for women in particular, as they navigate the hormonal fluctuations of menopause, which predispose them to bone loss [17].

Because of the implications of menopause to health outcomes such as metabolic and cardiovascular disease, muscle is particularly important for women to grow and preserve as they age. Beyond its metabolic perks, muscle acts as a reservoir for amino acids, facilitating the synthesis of vital proteins and hormones [18]. (Fun fact: your body uses about 400g of protein per day to replenish tissues, cells and enzymes. Given that you only eat about 100g per day, most of that protein is actually recycled in your body!) Skeletal muscle also produces myokines, signaling molecules that exert anti-inflammatory effects and modulate insulin sensitivity [19]. This dynamic interplay underscores the pivotal role of muscle in orchestrating metabolic homeostasis and warding off chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disorders [20]. In one study done in (male) firefighters, maximal pushups was actually a better predictor of longevity than running capacity [21].

Moreover, the preservation of muscle mass and integrity holds profound implications for functional independence and quality of life. Sarcopenia, the age-related decline in muscle mass and strength, precipitates frailty and diminishes mobility [22]. This is particularly important for women, because muscle loss begins in the mid-thirties and can result in 1-5% of muscle lost yearly. And, the incidence of sarcopenia appears to be sex-specific with a recent longitudinal study indicating that females were at 20% higher risk of developing sarcopenia than males [22]. 

What about a “hybrid” training model?

The term “hybrid athlete” is getting a lot of press these days, basically meaning someone who does both aerobic and resistance training. Hopefully, it has become obvious that both have independent, and synergistic effects on the body! This “hybrid revelation” actually makes me laugh a bit, because the guidelines for exercise have been quite clear for the past almost 20 years: DO BOTH! The recommendations issued by the Physical Activity Guidelines state a goal of 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity (or 75 mins of vigorous exercise) and at least two resistance training sessions per week. And, combining the cardiovascular enhancements of aerobic exercise with the muscular effects of resistance training, have shown an even greater reduction in disease risk and an enhancement of overall performance than either alone [23,24].

If you’re curious how to get started on a hybrid type of plan, I’ve written a really simple 5-day training protocol below that enhances all the combined physiologic benefits and meets all the current guidelines. I know there’s a lot of talk right now about targeted zone training, HIIT, and mobility, but honestly, all you need to do is keep it simple! Let me know what you think, and most importantly, enjoy!

An Optimal 5-Day Training Protocol

Day 1: Cardiovascular Intervals (50 min.)

30 minutes of brisk walking or cycling

20 minutes of interval training (alternating between moderate and vigorous intensity)

Day 2: Full Body Strength Training (30 min.)

Squats: 3 sets of 10 repetitions

Lunges: 3 sets of 10 repetitions (each leg)

Push-ups: 3 sets of 10 repetitions

Bent-over rows: 3 sets of 10 repetitions

Day 3: Active Recovery (20-60 min.)

Yoga or Pilates for flexibility, mobility and core strength

Day 4: Cardiovascular Endurance (30 min.)

30 minutes of swimming, rowing, cycling or steady state jogging

Day 5: Full-body Strength Training (45 min.)

Deadlifts: 4 sets of 8 repetitions

Bench press: 4 sets of 8 repetitions

Pull-ups or lat pulldowns: 4 sets of 8 repetitions

Overhead shoulder press: 4 sets of 8 repetitions


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